सूक्ति संग्रह ' अनमोल वचन


 सूक्ति संग्रह ' अनमोल वचन ' 

Photo by wd toro 🇲🇨 on Unsplash

  1. स्वस्थ शरीर में ही स्वस्थ मस्तिष्क का निवास होता है।
  2. ख़ामोशी हमारे पवित्र विचारों का मंदिर है।
  3. भविष्य का अतीत के साथ गहरा सम्बन्ध है,जिसका आधार वर्तमान है।
  4. अधिकार की अपनी एक मर्यादा होती है। उस मर्यादा की रक्षा हेतु अधिकार प्रयोग को संयत रखना आवश्यक है।
  5. किसी भी वस्तु मे अति उचित नहीं। अति से जो प्रतिक्रिया पैदा होती है, उसका रुख विपरीत दिशा की ओर होता है। चाहे वह मौसम हो,शासन हो या ज्ञान।
  6. जन्म से अँधा देख नहीं सकता,काम से अंधे को कुछ सूझता नहीं। मदोन्मत किसी को मानता नहीं पर स्वार्थी दोषों को भी नहीं देख सकता।
  7. आलसी को सदा असंतोष रहता है। 
  8. जिस मानव की जितनी कम आवश्यता होती है, उतना ही वह, ईश्वर के समीप होता है। 
  9. बुद्धि, बल, शक्ति एवं क्षमता का महाशत्रु  आवेश है।
  10. जिसकी आत्मा में बल नहीं, स्वाभिमान नहीं, वह चाहें कुछ भी हो, पर आदमी नहीं है।       
  11. नदी, हवा, वृक्ष प्रकृति के दूत बनकर मानव को जीवन का ध्येय समझाते हैं। नदी दूसरों की प्यास मिटाती है, हवा दूसरों को जीवन देती है, वृक्ष अपने को समर्पित करके मानव को जीवन-मोल की ओर इंगित करते हैं।
  12. अज्ञान के समान दूसरा बैरी कोई नहीं है। इसको ज्ञान ही मिटा सकता है।
  13. सत्य की उचित जिज्ञासा करते हुए, उसका श्रद्धापूर्वक सही समाधान खोजने की चेष्टा ही उपासना है; जो सही पूर्णता का आधार है।  
  14. अत्याचार क्रूरता एवं दुर्बलताओं से पनपते हैं।
  15. वह शासक अत्याचारी है जो स्वेच्छा के अलावा कोई नियम नहीं जानता।
  16. दूसरों की मदद  किये बिना,हम अपनी मदद नहीं कर सकते;दूसरों को फायदा पहुँचए बिना,हम अपने को फायदा नहीं पहुँचा सकते तथा दूसरों को खुशहाली दिलाये बिना, हम खुद खुशहाल  नहीं हो सकते।
  17. ईर्ष्या जिंदगी के आईने में दरारें डालती हैं।
  18. गुठिलियोँ के डर से कोई आम खाना नहीं छोड़ता।
  19. उचित विषय से उचित विचार को बढ़ावा मिलता है तथा आदमी मानव बनता है।
  20. अश्लीलता जहाँ समाज को बर्बाद करती है, वहां राष्ट्र को डुबो देती है और धर्म का परिहास करती है।
  21. क्रोधित व्यक्ति में स्व अनुशासन के कमी होती है।
  22. असफलता सफलता का मार्ग इंगित करती है और दृढ़ संकल्प ही,साहस और धैर्य का प्रशस्त पग प्रेरित करता है।
  23. विवेकशील प्राणी दूसरों की गलतियों से सीखता है।
  24. दुनियाँ हमें वैसे नहीं दिखती जैसी वह है अपितु वैसी दिखती है जैसे हम हैं।
  25. अहंकार ईर्ष्या और असंतुष्टि देता है, जबकि गर्व आनंद संतुष्टि।
  26. जिम्मेदारियाँ उस व्यक्ति की ओर खींची चली जाती हैं,जो उन्हें कंधे पर उठा सकता है।
  27. महानता की कीमत जिम्मेदारी है।
  28. 'क्या ठीक है'? यह विचारनीय है कि 'कौन ठीक है'? 
  29. भक्त का हृदय प्रभु की बैठक है।
  30. कामना का त्याग ही उत्तम तप है।
  31. कर्म फल है, शब्द पत्तियाँ।
  32. आलस्य आशा को छीनता है। इसमें शाश्वत निराशा का वास है।
  33. आहर की शुद्धि से अन्तःकरण की शुद्धि संभव है।
  34. विवेक का आधार, इन्द्रियों पर अधिकार होने पर निर्भर है।
  35. कानों की शोभा शास्त्र श्रवण तथा सत्य वचन से है नाकि आभूषणों से।
  36. प्रयास की बिना योजना नहीं,श्रम के बिना प्रगति नहीं।
  37. अपनी अज्ञानता का आभास ही बुद्धिमत्ता का प्रथम सोपान है।
  38. बिना उत्साह के महान ध्येय की प्राप्ति नहीं होती।
  39. आनंद रुपी पुष्प तो मुरझाता है पर याद शाश्वत सुगंघ है।
  40. धैर्य संतोष की कुंजी है।
  41. संसार में कोई मित्र है कोई शत्रु, वास्तव में यह तो मन का अस्थाई निर्णय है।
  42. सीमित इच्छायें सर्वोच्च परिणाम पर ले जाती है।
  43. सर्वोत्तम मार्ग दर्शक अपनी अंतरात्मा है।
  44. कामना का त्याग ही उत्तम तप है।
  45. अभिमान अज्ञानता का बीज़ है।
  46. अपने दोष ढूंढ निकालना ज्ञानवीरों का काम है।
  47. जैसे शीशे के स्वच्छ एवं स्थिर रहने पर ही रूप प्रतिबिम्बित होता है ;इसी प्रकार शुद्ध मन में  ही प्रभु का सवरूप स्वरूप दिखाई देता है।
  48. अंधकार अज्ञानता प्रकाश की ओर चलना है जबकि तृष्णा एवं स्वार्थ का अंधापन विनाश की ओर बढ़ना है
  49. अकृतज्ञता मानवता का हलाहल है।
  50. अग्नि स्वर्ण को परखती  है,आपत्ति वीर को,इनको पराजित करना ही जीवन के आनंद की पराकष्ठा है। 
  51. मधुर वाणी मानव का ऐसा आभूषण है जो बिना घिसे पल पल मानव के रूप में वृद्धि करता है।
  52. धर्म की कमाई में शक्ति एवं शांति होती है।
  53. अवसर का चेहरा घूँघट में छिपा रहता है और इसमें पाँव के बदले पंख होते हैं, जिसका अर्थ है यह रुकता नहीं तथा किस रूप में आएगा दिखता नहीं।
  54. बुरे कर्म हमें अपराध बोध से भर देते हैं,जिससे अवचेतन में गाँठ बन जाती है तथा स्वाभिमान साँस नहीं ले पाता।
  55. सत्य तर्क और विकल्प से परे है,जहाँ हमें इसका आभास हो वही इसका प्रारंभ बिंदु है। 
  56. निजी लाभ से चाहे सम्पति कमाई जाये या यश,उसकी चर्चा भर हो सकती है,अभयर्थना नहीं।    
  57. संसार सागर से पार होकर अमृत तक पहुँचने का सही एक सेतु आत्मा है।
  58. सूर्य का प्रकाश भिन्न भिन्न घरों में जा कर भी समान रहता है,उसी प्रकार इश्वर की महान आत्मा पृथक-पृथक जीवों में प्रविष्ट होकर भी विभिन्न नहीं होती।
  59. आत्मा को आत्मा की ही आवाज़ जगा सकती है।
  60. सबसे बड़ा दुर्बल वह है जिसको स्वयं पर नियंत्रण नहीं।
  61. हर व्यक्ति संसार में महत्वूर्ण व्यक्ति है।अतः दूसरों के साथ वह व्यव्हार करें,जो हमें स्वयं की लिए पसंद नहीं।     
  62. आलस्य मनुष्य का समीपवर्ती शत्रु है। 
  63. सज्जन अमीरी में गरीब जैसे विनम्र और गरीबी में अमीर जैसे उद्धार रहते हैं। 
  64. मनुष्य परिस्थितियों का दास नहीं,वह उनका निर्माता,नियंत्रणकर्ता  तथा स्वामी है।  
  65. मनुष्य का जन्म तो सहज होता है पर मनुष्यता कठिन परिश्रम से प्राप्त होती है।  
  66. सार्थक और प्रभावशाली उपदेश वह है जो वाणी से नहीं आचरण से प्रस्तुत किया जाये।        
  67. असफलता का मतलब है कि सफलता का प्रयास पूरे मन से नहीं हुआ।
  68. जीवन में कोई किसी से इतना धोखा नहीं खाता जितना कि वह अपने आप से खाता है।
  69. उध्यम से अपना मानव का कोई मित्र नहीं है। 
  70. परिश्रम सफलता की कुंजी है और आलस्य असफलता का द्वार। 
  71. आश्चर्य एवं आवेश महान  संकल्पों के जन्मदाता हैं।       
  72. वैभव तन की कुरूपता ढक सकता है पर मन की नहीं।
  73. जिस प्रकार दीपक दूसरी वस्तुओं की साथ अपने स्वरूप  को भी प्रकाशित करता है ,उसी प्रकार अन्तःकरण
  74. दूसरी वस्तुओं को भी प्रत्यक्ष करता है और अपने आपको भी।  
  75. विद्यालय वह कारखाना है जहाँ महापुरुषों का निर्माण होता है तथा अद्यापक उन्हें बनानेवाला कारीगर।  
  76. जो व्यक्ति संसार के पिपासा तृष्णा से रहित है उसके लिए कुछ भी कठिन नहीं है
  77. व्यथा और वेदना की पाठशाला में जो पाठ सीखे जाते हैं,वे पुस्तकों में नहीं मिलते और विश्वविद्यालयों में नहीं पढाये जाते।
  78. दूसरों की अनुभव जान लेना भी व्यक्ति की लिए एक अनुभव है। 
  79. जीवन की गहराई की अनुभूति के कुछ क्षण ही होते हैं, वर्ष नहीं।
  80. अभिमान अपने अपमान को नहीं भूलता। 
  81. समस्त भय और चिंता इच्छाओं का फल है। 
  82. असन्तोषी से आनंद दूर रहता है। 
  83. मानव की कर्म जितने तुच्छ होते हैं, उसका अहंकार उतना ही बड़ा होता है। 
  84. सेवा आत्मा और हृदय को पवित्र करती है। 
  85. सेवा से सौभाग्य प्राप्त होता है तथा परमानन्द का द्वार खुलता है।
  86. हार का मतलब अंत नहीं है। हारा हुआ इंसान यदि हार का मुकाबला करे तो उसकी जीत संभव है।  
  87. महान पुरुष की पहली पहचान उसकी नम्रता है।  
  88. बुद्धिमान वह है जो बोलने से पहले सोचता है और मूर्ख वह है जो बोलने की बाद सोचता है।  
  89. संसार में अच्छा युद्ध और बुरी शांति कभी नहीं हुई।  
  90. विशुद्ध हृदय वाले सज्जनों की बुद्धि कभी मंद नहीं होती है।  
  91. यदि विश्वास वृक्ष का बीज है ,दृढ इच्छा से इसका अंकुर फूटता है ,निष्ठा और विवेक इसे सींचने का कार्य करती है तथा रोपने का कार्य करता है -विचार।
  92. वस्तु ज्ञान से आवश्यक है - व्यक्ति ज्ञान क्योंकि वस्तु जड़ है और व्यक्ति चेतन।  
  93. उचित जिज्ञासा करते हुए उसका श्रद्धापूर्वक सही समाधान खोजने की चेष्टा ही उपासना है।
  94. मानव का मनोबल और मानव द्वारा किया चिंतन कल्पवृक्ष के समान है।         
  95. विचार सूक्ष्म स्तर का कर्म एवं कार्य का मूल रूप है। 
  96. अच्छा श्रोता अपनी मदद करता है, जबकि अच्छा वक्ता (बोलनेवाला) दूसरों की। 
  97. आत्मविश्वास आत्मा की पुकार है। यह अद्भुत,अदृश्य और अनुपम शक्ति है। इसके ही बल पर हम लक्ष्य की और अग्रसर होते हैं  तथा यही हमारा सच्चा मित्र है। 
  98. इन्द्रिय संयम,अर्थ संयम,समय संयम और विचार संयम का निरन्तर अभ्यास करने वाले महान लक्ष्य प्राप्त करते हैं। 
  99. शिक्षा तो कहीं भी मिल सकती है पर विद्या के सूत्र कहीं कहीं ही मिलते हैं। किन्तु जब भी ऐसा अवसर आता है, मानव का कायाकल्प हो जाता है। 
  100.  शिक्षा से ज्ञान, ज्ञान से चिंतन, चिंतन से कर्म और कर्म से सुख अतः कर्म ही सुख का मूल है।
  101. सीखो ऐसे जैसे सदा जीना है, जियो ऐसे जैसे कल ही जाना है। 
  102. क्रोध मूर्खता से शुरू होता है और पश्च्याताप पर ख़तम।  
  103. सम्पन्नता नए मित्र बनवाती है और विपदा उनकी परख करती है।
  104. धीरज के सामने भयंकर संकट भी धुएँ के बादलों की तरह उड़ जाते हैं।   
  105. निहंकारिता से सेवा की कीमत बढ़ती है और अहंकार से घटती है। 
  106. आत्म विश्वास ,आत्म बल एवं आत्म संयम ही पराक्रम का सार है। 
  107. अंतःकरण न्याय का कक्ष है। 
  108. प्रकाश अदृश्य रहता है तथा अंधकार में ही इसका अनुभव होता है। अतः अंधकार को पहचान कर ही हम प्रकाश से परचित हो सकते हैं। 
  109. कुविचारों और कुभावनाओं की जड़ें ईर्ष्या में सन्नहित हैं था सदाचार इसके लिए कुदाल का कार्य करता है।
  110. मानव-जीवन ,लौकिक एवं अलौकिक सम्पदाओं और विभूतिओं का ढेर है, इसको पहचानने हेतु अहम का चश्मा उतरना आवश्यक है।

 Quotation ' Compilation ' 

  1. An eye for an eye only ends up in making the whole world blind. (Mahatma Gandhi)
  2. I cannot conceive of any other better way of worshiping God than serving the poor. (Mahatma Gandhi)
  3. A bee is honored more than other insects not because she labors but she labors for others.
  4. A candle consumes itself but lights others
  5. A cat in gloves catches no mice
  6. A certain peace is better and safer than a victory which is hoped for.
  7. A champion of righteous makes no distinction between friend and foe.
  8. A cheerful temper, joined with innocence will make beauty attractive knowledge delightful and will be good natured.
  9. A courage is dangerous in half.
  10. A courageous foe is better than a cowardly friend.
  11. A drop of ink may make to million's think.
  12. A feather in hand is better than a bird in the air.
  13. A generous action is its own reward.
  14. A good book is the purest essence to human soul.
  15. A good name is better than great riches.
  16. A good scare is worth more to a man than good advice.
  17. A great scare is worth more to a man than good advice.
  18. A great deal of talent is lost in this world for the want of a little courage.
  19. A great obstacle to happiness i to expect too much happiness.
  20. A half-truth is a whole lie.
  21. A learned man has always wealth in himself.
  22. A life which does not go into action is a failure.
  23. A little explained, a little endured.
  24. A little forgiven, A quarrel is cured.
  25. A man is least known to himself.
  26. A man is never too old to learn.
  27. A man of courage is also full of faith.
  28. A man of courage is not dependent upon weapons.
  29. A man's good or bad fortune mostly depends upon his partner.
  30. A man's happiness is in man's true work.
  31. A picture is a poem without words.
  32. Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to reform By- Mark Twain.
  33. A price of greatness is responsibility.
  34. A righteous person is he who gives more than he receives.
  35. A rolling stone gathers no mass.
  36. A soft answer turns away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger.
  37. A radical is a man with both feet firmly planted in the air.
  38. A well spent day earns for us a sweet sleep at night.
  39. A wolf may lose its teeth but not its nature.
  40. Action speaks louder than words.
  41. Add love to a house and you have a home.
  42. Admonish your friends privately but praise them openly.
  43. Advice is judged by results, not by intentions.
  44. Affection is as necessary to the mind as dress is to the body.
  45. All are not friends that speak to us fair.
  46. All art is a revolt against man's fate.
  47. All cruelty springs from weakness.
  48. All experience is an arch to build upon.
  49. All fail where faith fails.
  50. All feet cannot wear one shoe.
  51. All good comes to an end except the goodness of God.
  52. All great alterations in human affairs are produced by compromise.
  53. All human activities are prompted by desire. It is very essence of man.
  54. Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.  By– Dalai Lama.
  55. All of us more or less are slaves of opinion. It is ultimately determined by the feelings and not by the intellect.
  56. All religions are paths leading to one God.
  57. All things that pass are wisdom's looking glass.
  58. All thoughts words and deeds require to be directed to the glory of lord and the good of the world.
  59. All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking.
  60. All truth is not always to be told.
  61. All wickedness comes of weakness.
  62. Ambition and struggle are the wings of great action.
  63. An artist or writer unlike other mortals has the power to transmute the bitter dross of life's miseries into the pure gold of literary art.
  64. An honest man is always a child.
  65. An honest man is noblest work of God.
  66. An honest man's word is as good as his bond.
  67. An honest never became suddenly rich.
  68. An idle brain is the devil's workshop.
  69. Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it's stored, than to anything on which it's poured. It is a momentary madness.
  70. Animals are such agreeable friends they ask no questions; they pass no criticism.
  71. Appearances are often deceiving.
  72. Art is not a handicraft. It is transmission of feelings of the artist, which he has experienced.
  73. As is a tale, so is life, do not bother how long it is, but see how good it is!
  74. As we advance in life, we learn the limits of our abilities.
  75. Atheism is the vice of few intelligent people.
  76. An atheist is a man, who has, no invisible means of support.
  77. Friends are thieves of time.
  78. Be civil to all; sociable to many; familiar with few; friend to one; enemy to none.
  79. Be like a rose which gives fragrance even to the hands which crushes it.
  80. Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.
  81. Growing old is no more than a bad habit which a busy person has no time to form.
  82. Without a rich heart, wealth is an ugly beggar.
  83. Be ready to spend today for tomorrow's growth.
  84. Be softer than butter when kindness is concerned.
  85. Beauty is truth, truth is beauty, that is all we know on earth, and all we need to know.
  86. Beauty without virtue is a flower without fragrance.
  87. Beg from beggars and we will never be rich.
  88. Begin not with a program, but with a deed.
  89. Behavior is the mirror in which everybody displays his image.
  90. Best be yourself, Impartial, plane and true.
  91. Better an ugly face than an ugly mind.
  92. Better be silent than speak ill.
  93. Better to trust an open enemy than a reconciled friend.
  94. Better to trust in God than in his saints.
  95. Between two evils, choose none between two good choose both.
  96. Beware of little expenses, a small leak will sink in great ship.
  97. Books are the windows through which the soul looks out.
  98. Borrowing is not much better than begging.
  99. Business is business. If everybody minded their own business, the world would go round a great deal faster than it does.
  100. Constant occupation prevents temptation.
  101. Chance is a word void of sense; nothing can exist without a cause.
  102. Changes never answer the end.
  103. Character is higher than intellect. It makes destiny. It is much easier to kept than recover.
  104. Character is simply habit long continued.
  105. Character is the transcription of knowledge into action.
  106. Character is what you are in the dark.
  107. Cheerful company shortens the distance.
  108. Children have more need of modules than of critics.
  109. Criticism is a study by which men grow important and formidable at very small expense.
  110. Cleanliness is next to godliness.
  111. Color speaks all languages.
  112. Common sense is not the result of education, so it is not so common.
  113. Confess that we were wrong yesterday, it will show that we are wise today.
  114. Confidence does more to make conversation than wit.
  115. Conscious is the inner voice that warns us somebody may be looking.
  116. Conscious is the perfect interpreter of life it is God's presence in man.
  117. Consciousness warns us as a friend before it punishes as a judge.
  118. Corruption is the most infallible symptom of constitutional liberty.
  119. Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once.
  120. Cowards die many times before their death, The valiant never taste of death before death.
  121. Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.
  122. Creative art demands the service of mind and heart.
  123. Crime is an antisocial form of the struggle for existence.
  124. Cultivation to the mind is as necessary, as food to the body.
  125. Curiosity is one of the most permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect.
  126. Customs are the great guide of human life, and they reconcile us.
  127. Decency is last of all laws, but yet it is the law which is most strictly observed.
  128. Defeat should never, be a source of discouragement, but rather a fresh stimulus.
  129. Delay of justice is injustice.
  130. Democracy and socialism are means to an end, not the end itself.
  131. Democracy demands discipline, tolerance and mutual regard.
  132. Democracy means not "I am as good as you are "but you are as good as I am.
  133. Desire hath no rest.
  134. Devotion to duty is the highest form of worship of God.
  135. Diet cures more than the doctor.
  136. Discipline is learnt in the school of adversity.
  137. Do all the good you can, by all the means, in all the way, in all the places, at all the time, to all the people as long as even you can.
  138. Harmony in thought, word and deed leads to success.
  139. Doing good is the only happy action of a man's life.
  140. Don't ask for a lighter burden, ask for stronger shoulders.
  141. Doubt is the beginning, not the end of wisdom.
  142. Dreams do not cost money but only at night.
  143. Duty before desire.
  144. Educated peoples are easily governed.
  145. Education does not mean teaching people what they do not know, it means teaching them to behave as they do not behave.
  146. Education is discipline for the adventures of life. It is the chief defense of nations.
  147. Envious die, but envy never dies.
  148. Even from the body's purity the mind received a secret sympathetic aid.
  149. Every beginning is hard, so well begun is half done.
  150. Every child comes with this message that God has still faith upon man.
  151. Every duty is holy and devotion to duty, It is the highest form to worship the God.
  152. Every man is the architect of his own fortune.
  153. Every temptation is a test of our strength.
  154. Everything that is wise has been thought already, we can only try to think it once more.
  155. Every day is a little life and our whole life is a day repeated.
  156. Examine what is said, not him who speaks.
  157. Example is a lesson that all men can read.
  158. Experience is the mother of knowledge.
  159. Experience is the only prophecy of wise man.
  160. Extreme remedies are very appropriate for extreme diseases.
  161. Extremes are dangerous
  162. Facts are the air for scientists. Without them they can never fly.
  163. Thoughts to the mind is what food is to the body.
  164. Failure takes one step nearer to victory only when we realize.
  165. Faith is the force to the life.
  166. Fame has blind popularity no future.
  167. Fate makes our relatives; choice makes our friends.
  168. Faults are thick where love is thin.
  169. Fine art is that in which the hand, the head and the heart of man go together.
  170. Fine feathers make fine birds.
  171. First deserve then desire.
  172. Flattery corrupts both the receiver and the giver.
  173. Food is s weapon, use is properly. What is food to one is better poison to other.
  174. Forgive and you may be forgiven.
  175. Fortune favors the brave.
  176. Genius is the one percent inspiration and ninety nine percent perspiration.
  177. Give ready hand rather than ready tongue.
  178. Give the world the best and the best will come to you.
  179. Give work rather than alms to the poor. 
  180. God brings men into deep waters not to drown them but to clean them.
  181. God is enough witness between you and me.
  182. God regards pure hands not full.
  183. God visits us often but most of the time we are not at home.
  184. God's mill grinds slow, but sure.
  185. Good advice may be given but not good manners, they can only be achieved.
  186. Great actions speak great man.
  187. Great crimes are always committed by great ignorant. There is nothing more frightening than active ignorance.
  188. Great hopes make great man.
  189. Great men never feel great, small men never feel small.
  190. Great thoughts come from the heart not from head.
  191. Greatness lies not in being strong but in the right use of strength.
  192. Happiness goes not consist in the things but in the right use of strength.
  193. Happiness does not consist in things but in thoughts. It is different from pleasure.
  194. Happiness has nothing to do with struggling, enduring and accomplishing it lies in our consciousness.
  195. Hate the sin and not the sinner.
  196. He is most powerful, who has power over himself.
  197. He that governs others, first should be the master of himself.
  198. He who will not be conceived cannot be helped.
  199. He who can take advice is sometime superior to him who gives it.0
  200. He who is unable to rule over self can never really succeed in ruling over others.
  201. He who loves not his country can love nothing.
  202. He who wishes to secure the good of others, has already secured his own.
  203. He will have the fruit who shall climb on the tree.
  204. Health and cheerfulness mutually beget each other.
  205. Hear no evil, speak no evil, do no evil and think no evil.
  206. Honesty and integrity are best taught by examples.
  207. Hope is a walking dream.
  208. Hope is better companion than fear. It is the poor man's bread.
  209. Hope is the pillar that holds up the world, it is dream of awaking man.
  210. How often things occur by mere chance which we dared not even hope for.
  211. How small are grains of sand! Yet if enough are placed in the ship they sink it.
  212. Hunger is the teacher of the arts and the inspiration of invention.
  213. If we take one stride towards God, God takes ten strides towards us.
  214. If a man loves to give advice. It is a sure sign that he himself wanted it.
  215. if everybody minded their own business the world would go round a great deal faster than it does. 
  216. If the blind leads another blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
  217. If we always do our best, we will be free from regrets.
  218. If we see any good in others, make its own.
  219. If you take care of others, God takes care of you.
  220. If you want to succeed do not stare the stairs, climb it one by one.
  221. If you wish to know what a man is, place him in authority.
  222. Ignore criticism when you are right and pay head to it when you are wrong.
  223. Bad fortune is often an incentive to genius.
  224. Imagination is the eye of the soul.
  225. Imagination rules the world. What is now proved was once only imagined.
  226. In great attempts it is glorious even to fail.
  227. Individual may perish, but truth is eternal.
  228. It costs more to revenge injuries than to bear them.
  229. It is better to light candle than to curse darkness.
  230. It is better to lose in the right way then to win in a wrong way.
  231. It is better to prevent crimes than to punish them.
  232. It is better to prevent crimes than to punish them.
  233. It is difficult to make a name, but it is more difficult to retain it.
  234. It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.
  235. It is easier to love humanity as a whole than to love one's neighbor.
  236. It is easy to hate, but it is healthy to love.
  237. It is good enough to do good, one must do it right way.
  238. It is more necessary to cure the soul than the body.
  239. It is not enough to do good; one must do it the right way.
  240. It is not possible to serve two masters at the same time.
  241. It is only by transforming ourselves, we can transform the world.
  242. It is sacred duty of the teachers to humanize the present humanity and civilize the present civilization.
  243. It takes two to make a quarrel.
  244. Keep your fear to yourself.
  245. Kind words do not wear out the tongue.
  246. Knowledge consists in understanding the evidence that establishes the fact, not in the belief that is a fact.
  247. Knowledge has no end. 
  248. Knowledge that is divorced from justice should be called cunning rather than wisdom.
  249. Labor conquers everything to some extent. 
  250. Laws grind the poor and rich men rule the law.
  251. Liberty is the power of doing what is allowed by law.
  252. Life in a loom, weaving illusions.
  253. Life is a great bundle of little things.
  254. Life is a process of struggle. Do not hope of getting anything without struggle.
  255. Life is a school of probability.
  256. Life is one eternal struggle between good and evil.
  257. Life is one eternal struggle between good and evil.
  258. Life is what happens while we are making other plans.
  259. Live always as if you were under the very eye of the supreme.
  260. Lives of the great men all remained us about the great deeds.
  261. Live with men as if God saw you; conserve with God as if men heard you.
  262. Loyalty worth's more than money.
  263. Man can overcome mountains by faith.
  264. Man has no nature he has only a history. He is the creature of circumstances.
  265. Man is a bridge between the two worlds the visible and the invisible.
  266. Man is by nature a political as well as a social animal.
  267. Man was born free and every where he is in chains.
  268. Men who know the same things cannot be at long the best company for each other.
  269. Manners make the man.
  270. Man's character is his fate.
  271. Marriage is not a word but a sentence.
  272. May we follow the path of goodness as the sun and the moon follow their path!
  273. Men are born with two eyes, but with one tongue, that they should see twice as much as they say.
  274. Men love to wonder, and that is the seed of science.  
  275. Men shut their door against the setting sun.
  276. Mind may die, Maya may die, Body dies and dies, but hope and thirst never die.
  277. Misfortune comes on wings and depart on foot.
  278. Money and mind are good servants but dangerous master.
  279. Morality is a private and costly luxury.
  280. More important is to become a man of value rather than a man of success.
  281. Most powerful is he who has himself in his own power.
  282. Natural ability without education has more often raised a man to glory and virtue than education without natural ability.
  283. Nature is the living garment of God, and we must love it.
  284. Nature of a great mind is to calm.
  285. Necessity is the mother of invention.
  286. Neither blame yourself nor praise yourself.
  287. Never believe what you hear, half believe what you see, full believe what you understand.
  288. Nothing great can be achieved without facing the danger.
  289. No bad man is free from worries.
  290. No man ever became great or good except through many and great mistakes.
  291. No man is good enough to govern another man without the other's consent.
  292. No one can be perfectly happy till all are happy. 
  293. No one knows what he can do till he tries.
  294. Nothing can bring peace except yourself.
  295. Nothing great can be achieved without enthusiasm.
  296. Nothing is easier than to cheat an honest man.
  297. Nothing is more honorable than a grateful heart.
  298. Nothing is ours except time.
  299. Nothing is so rash as fear.
  300. Nothing of tomorrow is known, so be good and happy today.
  301. No culture can live if it attempts to be exclusive.
  302. Obedience is the mother of success.
  303. Of all bad things by which mankind are cursed, their own bad tempers surely are the worst.
  304. Old age and happiness seldom go together, it is state of mind, not state of health.
  305. One already wet does not feel rain.
  306. One cannot travel far if he is anchored.
  307. One flower does not make a spring.
  308. One gives nothing so liberally as advice.
  309. One picture is worth more than ten thousand words.
  310. One who never fails will never grow(rich).
  311. One who would gather roses must not fear thorns.
  312. Only the brave knows how to forgive.
  313. Own desire leads every man, he begins to die who quits his desires.
  314. Painting is silent poetry and poetry is speaking picture.
  315. Patience is herb that does not grows in everyone's garden but is a remedy of every suffering.
  316. Peace begins just where ambition ends.
  317. Peace is to be produced by victory not by negotiation.
  318. Pen is stronger than sword.
  319. Penny saved becomes a pound tomorrow.
  320. People can be strong where the laws are strong.
  321. politeness is the flower of humanity.
  322. Poverty is a great enemy to human happiness.
  323. Poverty is the mother of crime.
  324. Poverty wants much, but avarice everything.
  325. Poverty wants something, while luxury wants it all.
  326. Pure well-earned food) brings a pure mind there is constant memory of God.
  327. Pure thoughts good action and remembering God's name is all that is required.
  328. Put not, your trust in money, but put your money in trust.
  329. Realization of God is absolute consciousness.
  330. Recall your courage and lay aside fear.
  331. Religion is not a dogma, nor an emotion, but a service.
  332. Religion is the best armor in the world but the worst clock.
  333. Religion is the manifestation of divinity already in man.
  334. Revenge is the poor delight of little minds.
  335. Science and art belong to the whole world and before them vanish the barriers of nationality.
  336. Science is nothing but trained and organized common sense.
  337. Secret is nothing but the weakness of the person.
  338. Self-trust is the essence of heroism.
  339. Self-trust is the first secret of success.
  340. Self-consequent is the greatest victory.
  341. Self-interest is the enemy of all true affection.
  342. Selfishness is the greatest curse of the human race.
  343. Set the cart before the horse.
  344. Share your courage with others.
  345. Shed hatred and not blood.
  346. Silence and modesty are very valuable qualities in the art of conversation.
  347. Silence is one great art of conversation.
  348. Silence is sometimes more eloquent than speech.
  349. Sin has many tools and lie is the handle which fits them all.
  350. Sincerity is never ludicrous it is always respectable. 
  351. Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.
  352. Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested.
  353. Some men are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.
  354. Speak kind words and you will hear kind echoes.
  355. Strength does not come from physical capacity; it comes from indomitable will.
  356. Success demands strange sacrifices from those who worship her.
  357. Success lies in the motto of exerting ourself a little more and doing a little better.
  358. Superstition is the poison of the mind.
  359. Sweet innovation of a child is most pretty and pathetical.
  360. Sweet is the remembrance of troubles when we are in safety.
  361. Taste the joy that springs from labor than we can make our lives sublime.
  362. The advantage of the emotion is that they lead us astray.
  363. The angry man always thinks he can do more than he can.
  364. The art of conversation consists as much in listening politely as in talking agreeably.
  365. The ballot is stronger than the bullet.
  366. The best secret of happiness is renunciation.
  367. The best sort of revenge is not to be like him who did the injury.
  368. The best teachers of humanity are the lives of great men.
  369. The best tranquilizer is a clear conscious.
  370. The bravest persons are the most forgiving and the most anxious to avoid quarrels.
  371. The business of life is to go forward.
  372. The confession of evil works is the first beginning of good works.
  373. The day that makes us happy make us wise.
  374. The deepest sin against the power is the great barrier to spiritual peace.
  375. The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits, while other has no limits.
  376. The education forms the common mind, just as the twig is bent the tree's inclined.
  377. The education of the heart cannot be imparted through books, it can only be done through the living touch of a teacher.
  378. The empty vessel makes the greatest sound.
  379. The essence of belief is the establishment of habit.
  380. The eyes believe themselves; the eyes believe other people.
  381. The fewer your wants, the nearer you resemble to God.
  382. The fire proves gold, adversity and brave men.
  383. The first wealth is health.
  384. The footsteps of fortune are slippery.
  385. The force that rules the world is conduct, whether it be moral or immoral.
  386. The great that rules the world is conduct, whether it be moral or immoral. 
  387. The great end of life is not knowledge but action.
  388. The greatest end of life is not knowledge but action.
  389. The great end of life is not knowledge but action.
  390. The greatest homage we can pay to truth is to use it.
  391. The greatest remedy for anger is delay.
  392. The greatest sacrifice is the sacrifice of time.
  393. The greatest wealth is a poverty of desires.
  394. The hands that help are holier than the lips that pray.
  395. The happiest person is the person who thinks the most interesting thoughts.
  396. The heart of the fool is in the person who thinks the most interesting thoughts.
  397. The heart of the fool is in the mouth, but the mouth of the wise is the heart.
  398. The important thing about any word is how you understand it.
  399. The intelligent man finds almost everything ridiculous, the sensible man hardly anything.
  400. The light of the body is the eye.
  401. The love of God knows no fear of sword or death.
  402. The man who lives to find faults has a miserable mission.
  403. The man who never alters his opinion is like standing water and breeds reptiles of mind.
  404. The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself.
  405. The most powerful force on earth is unity.
  406. The most useful virtue is patience.
  407. The noblest motive is to work for public-good.
  408. The parents life is the child's copybook.
  409. The patriot's blood is the seed of freedom's tree.
  410. The pen is the tongue of the mind.
  411. The profession of soldiers and sailors has the divinity of danger.
  412. The rains that make the lower plains fertile are formed in the upper layers of the atmosphere.
  413. The real aim of education must be to get each one out of his isolated class into the one humanity.
  414. The remedy for worry is to get occupied doing something constructive.
  415. The reward of the one duty done, is the power to fulfill another.
  416. The roots of education are bitter, but the fruits are sweet.
  417. The secret of happiness is freedom, and the secret of freedom is courage.
  418. The seeds of our punishment are sown at the same time we commit sin.
  419. The short saying of wise and good men is of great value, like that dust of gold or the sparks of diamonds.
  420. The sincere alone can recognize sincerity.
  421. The strongest man in the world is he who stands alone.
  422. The sun needs no flattery.
  423. The sun shines on the wicked also.
  424. The superior man is slow in the words and earnest in his conduct.
  425. The tongue is the ambassador of the heart, so use it carefully.
  426. The virtue lies in the struggle not in the prize.
  427. The weak can never forgive, forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
  428. The Wise-man learn good deeds from enemies. He is his own best assistant.
  429. The word 'religion' like the 'God' is ambiguous, but it cannot have different meaning for different people, It is an ornament for the soul.
  430. The world is a comedy to those who think, a tragedy to those who feel.
  431. The world is like a mirror, if we smile, it smiles, if we frown, it frowns back.
  432. Thinking well is wise planning while doing well is wisest and best of all.
  433. There are no gains without pains.
  434. There is no rainbow without rain. There are no victories without pain.
  435. There are two ways of exerting one's strength: one is pushing down, the other is pulling up.
  436. There is no pillow softer than clear conscious.
  437. There is no thief like a bad book.
  438. There is not a single moment in life when man cannot serve.
  439. There is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so.
  440. There is nothing in the world so much admired, as a man who knows how to bear unhappiness with courage.
  441. There is nothing on earth divine except humanity.
  442. There is nothing permanent except change.
  443. There is properly no history, only biography.
  444. They serve God most, who serve his creatures.
  445. Things are not always what they seem.
  446. Think all you speak but speak not all you think.
  447. Thinking is the talking of the soul with itself.
  448. Those who do not complain are never pitied.
  449. Thoughts lead to purposes, purposes go forth in action; action forms habit, habits decide character and character fixes our destiny.
  450. Time is the soul of the world.
  451. To achieving the goal is not so important as the means how we have achieved it.
  452. To be proud of learning is the greatest ignorance.
  453. To bear is to conquer our fate.
  454. To beg from the beggars, one can never be rich.
  455. To do nothing at all is the most difficult thing in the world and the most intellectual.
  456. To have balance in all situations is the key to happiness.
  457. To know much is often the cause of doubting more.it can be ended by action alone.
  458. To labor is to pray to God.
  459. To make your children capable of honesty is the beginning of education.
  460. To master oneself is the greatest mastery.
  461. To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting.
  462. Tomorrow can only be what you have made today.
  463. Training means learning the rules. Experience means learning the exceptions.
  464. Troubles are often the tools by which God fashions us for better things.
  465. True greatness is being great in the little things.
  466. Trust him not who has once broken your faith.
  467. Truth may be stretched but cannot be broken. It always gets above falsehood, as oil does above water.
  468. Two men looked out of the prison bars, one saw mud and the other stars.
  469. Understanding is the reward of faith.
  470. United we stand, divided we fall.
  471. Unselfish and noble action are the most radiant pages in the biography of soul.
  472. Virtue cannot exist without reason; it never grows old.
  473. Virtue is the own revenge; it is the heart and not of the mind. When the mind cultivates virtue, it is cunning calculation.
  474. We are all born equal and are distinguished alone by virtue.
  475. We can make only others better by being good our-self.
  476. We cannot climb the ladder of success with hand in our pockets.
  477. We cannot imagine life without a problem, only the dead have no problem.
  478. We have no right to consume happiness without producing if than to consume wealth without producing it.
  479. We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done.
  480. We live in deeds, not in years.
  481. We make living by what we get, but we make life by what we give.
  482. We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.
  483. We see things not as they are, but as we are.
  484. Well begun is half done.
  485. What cannot be cured must be endured.
  486. What governs men is the fear of truth.
  487. What greater crime than loss of time. Lost time is never found again.
  488. What is a friend? A single soul which dwells in two bodies.
  489. What you are is God's gift to you; what you become is your gift to God.
  490. When a secret is revealed, it is the fault of the man who confided.
  491. When egoism goes, all miseries vanish along with it.
  492. When men are pure, laws are useless when men are corrupt laws are broken.
  493. When poverty comes in at the door friends files out from the window.
  494. Where no hope is left, there is no fear.
  495. Where there's a will, there's trouble.
  496. Who holds the souls of children, holds the nation.
  497. Wise men learn by other men's mistakes fools by their own.
  498. Wonders are many, but none is more wonderful than man.
  499. Work gives worthiness.
  500. World can be good and pure only if our lives are good and pure.
  501. Wounds of tongue are deeper than wounds cause by swords.
  502. You cannot teach a crab to walk straight.
  503. You can take horse to water, but you can't make him drink it.
  504. You never know what you can go till you try.
  505. Your only duty is to realize God. This includes all other duties.
  506. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
  507. Whatever is began in anger ends in shame.
  508. The greatest discovery is that human being can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.
  509. Be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle.
  510. Character can be developed when the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired and achieved.
  511. The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.
  512. Ignorance is the mother of devotion, once it is dispelled is impossible to re-establish.
  513. To live in suspense is a miserable thing. It is the life of a spider.
  514. Judgement is forced on us by experience. Judging and feeling are not the same thing.
  515. Education is a weapon whose effect depends on who holds it, in his hands and at whom it is aimed.
  516. Even a single lamp dispels the deepest darkness.
  517. True friends are like diamonds, very precious and rare. False friends are like autumn leaves found everywhere.
  518. Friendship is like money, more easily made than kept.
  519. The child is a book, teacher has not to go page to page but word to word.
  520. Music is the medicine of the mind.
  521. We cannot change the direction of the wind, but we can adjust our sails to reach our destination.
  522. A true friend is one who walks in, when the rest of world walk out.
  523. One lamp lights another and its light does not grow less.
  524. Every dogma has its day, but ideas are eternal.
  525. Chance happens to all. To turn chance into account is the art, which knows only few.
  526. Mental purity brings environmental purity.
  527. To have the balance of mind in all situations is the key to happiness.
  528. Love can turn a cottage into a golden palace.
  529. A house is a home within a fence around it, But not within it.
  530. The source of man's unhappiness is his ignorance of nature.
  531. True friendship is not made in a day. It is the fruit of many sunrises.
  532. Everyday should be passed as on it were to be our last.
  533. The only worthwhile achievements of man are those which are socially useful.
  534. To understand is hard. Once you understand, action is easy.
  535. Man's mind is blind due to desires.
  536. Duty begins where natural necessities end.
  537. Power is not sufficient evidence of truth.
  538. 'I admit that the strong will rob the weak and that it is a sin to be weak.'
  539. Men love to wonder and that is the seed of science.
  540. What we see is news, what we know is background, what we feel is opinion.
  541. An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation.
  542. The sum of behavior is to retain a man's own dignity, without intruding upon the liberty of others.
  543. Riches are not from abundance of worldly goods, but from a contented mind.
  544. Physical excellence does not itself produce a good mind and character, it is excellence of mind and character, that will make the best physique.
  545. Beyond the senses are the objects. Beyond the objects is the mind. Beyond the mind is the understanding. Beyond the understanding is the great self. Beyond the great self is the un- manifest that is spirit. Beyond the spirit there is nothing.
  546. The world is mere reflection in the mind, like the image in the mirror. The mind is the mirror when the mirror is removed, the image becomes merged in the self, the world ceases to exist as a separate entity.
  547. 'Civilization, is the real Sense of the term, consists not in the multiplication but in the deliberate and voluntary reduction of wants.'(Mahatma Gandhi)
  548. 'All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsions, habit, reason passion and desire.'(Aristotle)
  549. The life is a jungle of ides in which any planned march is not possible. All that we need is a torch and that torch has to be our own-self.
  550. The true perfection of man lies not in what a man has, but in what a man is.


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